I do actually do things other than cooking, I thought I might blog a little about them as well. My husband loves to say that, "For an Indiana farm girl, you have such a brown thumb." I think that I may have finally proven him wrong. Over the last two years I have taken to planting more than just my standard herbs and I think it has gotten slightly out of hand. This year Bo chopped away at an out of control Wisteria, clearing a small patch perfect for a little more than basil (See Basil Pesto and Tomato & Mozzarella Tart) and thyme. I was determined to raise the bar this year, so I planted all the regulars plus, watermelon, strawberries, cucumbers, tomatoes and onions. Great tip, by the way, the guys at the nursery know their stuff, they sold Beep hot peppers to plant along side the herbs and veggies to keep the pests away without using any chemicals!
So proud, I picked my first cucumber last week, thinking that all I was growing was vines and leaves I was astounded to find this 14 inch vegetable hiding under the large ground cover! I have included the spoon for scale at Beep's request. I also picked my first tomato and jalapenos this week. Related recipes to follow. Mom-mom made the best cucumber salad that is one of Beep's favorites, so it would be fitting to mix up a batch. Cucumber water is also a refreshing summer treat, or just a bowl of iced water, sliced cucumber and wash cloths by the pool may be the answer. (See Mom-mom's cucumber sandwiches and Howard Ahren's Pickles).
My blackberries were exceptionally good this year, very sweet, some Texans have told me that it was due to all the spring rain. (See blackberry buckle and blackberry lemonade).
So, get out there, get your hands dirty, make the kids dig along side you and reap the rewards of a bountiful garden full of memories and fantastic flavors to share with your family!
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